Friday, August 22, 2014

The edible value of Stevia rebaudiana

In 1969, the Japanese mountain in Brazil, a professor of live Tian Zhe found a very sweet compositae, people call it the stevia. Use it to extract the glucoside, its sweetness is about 300 times of sugar. Stevia is the ideal sweetener, has the characteristics of low quantity of heat, it contains quantity of heat only one over three hundred of cane sugar, eat does not make people fat, in patients with obesity and diabetes are particularly appropriate. Long-term use stevia boiled water to drink, and to reduce the effect of blood pressure, promote metabolism and strong body. Therefore, stevia discovered, many countries have successively cultivation and the development and utilization.
Stevia is outside of "diaspora", sea to settle in China time is very short. It's hometown of Paraguay in South America, Brazil primeval forest hill weeds, is a perennial herbaceous plant. Planted a temperate regions in our country, can live for many years, the summer arrived, open patches of small white flowers, with quietly elegant aroma. In its leaves contain rich stevia glycosides, the purification of stevia glycosides taste like sugar, but the sweetness is more than 300 times the white sugar, and calories only 1/300 of white sugar. If you pick a small piece of leaf on the mouth chewing chewing, like to eat a mouthful of faint scent of white sugar.

more about:
Stevia rebaudiana Extract suppliers
Natural Herbal Extracts

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