Monday, July 22, 2013

What is Trenbolone?

Trenbolone is similar to the popular steroid nandrolone, they are at 19 or steroids, which means testosterone molecule has been in the first 19 to give us a new compound changed. Different nandrolone however trenbolone is an excellent mass and hardening drug muscle fibers are most of the gains minimal water retention, it has an unbelievable anabolic (muscle building) 500 points. When you compare that to testosterone, which itself is a powerful mass builder, and assimilation of 100 points you can start comprehend the muscle building potential of trenbolone. What makes trenbolone and other assimilated? Many factors are at play. Trenbolone greatly increases the extremely anabolic hormone levels within the muscle tissue IGF - 1
. Moreover, it is worth noting that it is only a 2-fold increase in muscle, which causes muscle satellite cells (cells that repair damaged muscle) can be more sensitive to IGF - 1 and other growth factors IGF-1 levels. Each muscle cell DNA content can be significantly improved. Trenbolone also has a pair of androgen receptor (AR strong affinity), with more intense than testosterone. This is important because a strong androgen steroid receptor binding better muscle growth in the active steroid Airport Railway dependent mechanism. There is also evidence that strong support is very tightly coupled compounds in androgen receptors in fat loss aid also. Feel like a lock and key androgen receptor, some keys (androgens) opening (binding) the locks (receptors) are better than others. This is not to say that machine iron binding, the effect of steroids is the last word. Anadrol does not have any binding AR and measurable, we all know how potent Anadrol large-scale construction yes.
Trenbolone increases nitrogen retention of muscle tissue. This is because nitrogen retention is an anabolic substance is a strong indicator of how the description. However, trenbolone incredible impact of large-scale construction is not over yet. Trenbolone binding and anti-anabolic (muscle receptors destructive capacity) glucocorticoids. This may also inhibit catabolism (muscle damage effects) hormone cortisol.
However, it must be noted that other trenbolone amazing feature is its ability to improve feed efficiency and mineral absorption of the drug administered to an animal. To help you understand what this means you, feed efficiency is a measure of how an animal into a meat diet, and more food needs in order to produce this meat, low efficiency. In contrast, the production of meat required less food, higher efficiency and your idea is very good. Animals, regardless of trenbolone obtain high-quality diet adjustment weight, thus improving feed conversion efficiency. Looking for new compounds can improve feed conversion efficiency is 10 billion dollar industry, and spawned in the past (conjugated linoleic acid, whey protein decades, many in the world bodybuilding nutrition progress, and HMB compounds have remembered the first was first introduced livestock industry). What is converted to the hard training athlete? The food you eat will make better use of building lean muscle, vitamins and minerals, but also may allow you to better absorb health in the loop.
Trenbolone is a highly male hormone testosterone, it has the ratio of a 100-androgens; trenbolone androgen ratio is staggering 500. Androgenic steroids are appreciated for their influence and change the estrogen / androgen ratio, thus reducing water and under the skin. As if the report on trenbolone was not good enough, it gets better; Trenbolone is very good as a fat loss agent. This is a partition of its powerful role in promoting the nutritional causes. It is a little known fact is that androgen receptors are present in the fat cells and muscle cells, androgens act directly on fat cells in the iron and affect fat burning. AR androgen binding strength, higher lipolysis (fat burning) effect on adipose tissue (fat). Since some steroids even increase the AR and the amount of fat in the muscle, fat loss of this kind will work with other compounds, such as testosterone, while use of amplification.
Trenbolone promote red blood cell production and increases glycogen replenishment rates, significantly improving recovery. Like almost all steroids, trenbolones impact on the human body has a higher dose intensity maximum of the composition and dose-dependent effect. Psychological changes are a notorious side effect of trenbolone use, androgens in the brain, promote positive behavior, can be used for those who want to improve the speed and power athletes beneficial increase chemicals.
Trenbolones chemical structure makes it aromatase (conversion to estrogen), thus no trenbolone converted to estrogen ratio. Trenbolone government will not promote estrogenic side effects, such as male breast tissue growth (breast, bitch tits) accelerated fat gain, trenbolone reduces lipolysis and water retention. Trenbolone is also resistant to 5 - α-reductase enzyme, the enzyme can be reduced more androgenic steroid in the form of a number of cases, but this is not important in trenbolones, trenbolone has 1500 androgen ratio, it is very likely to cause adverse androgenic side effects in any member who is hair loss, prostate enlargement, oily skin and acne easy case report. Unfortunately, the potential negative side effects trenbolones more than that. Trenbolone is also a famous luteinizing hormone: it combines the female hormone progesterone receptor with approximately 60% of the strength of the progesterone (). in the sensitive member, which may lead to breast swelling and growth Worse, trenbolones active metabolite17beta - trenbolone affinity of progesterone receptor (PGR) so that actually more than progesterone itself. Although there is no need to panic, anti-estrogen letrzole or fulvestrant can lower progesterone levels, and combat any progestenic sides. A 19-nor compound like trenbolone also increases prolactin and use. Bromocriptine or cabergoline are often recommended to reduce prolatin level. Testicular atrophy (shrinking balls) may also occur; throughout the life cycle can prevent this intermittent chorionic gonadotropin. Is also wise to closely monitor their tren users cholesterol levels, as well as kidney function and liver enzymes, as Tren may adversely affect all the features. Trenbolone, as a powerful progestin, will also shut down the production of natural testosterone even a relatively small dose of testosterone levels, and maintain a longer period of repression, which can reduce libido and cause erectile dysfunction (fina guy). It is essential that you always stack testosterone trenbolone.

More about:Trenbolone Sales
From:Chem pharma

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