Friday, July 26, 2013

Some uses of Dehydroepiandrosterone

Dehydroepiandrosterone is white or yellow crystals. Intermediates for the manufacture of steroid hormones, with assimilation of anti-aging and protein. Main features: 1 aging, to maintain the vitality of youth; 2 to enhance physical fitness, improve mood and sleep,improve memory; 3 improve sexual function, enhance sexual desire; 4 regulate the immune system function, improve the body immunity, 5 weight loss; 6 in treatment of disease
The body's hormonal, each with their own unique features, and with the age increase and decrease, as we get older, melatonin and DHEA will gradually reduce. Generally speaking, the most important function of melatonin on the normal human is controlling the biological clock, to maintain the body's natural balance, and the average person in 17 ~ 20 years old, began to secrete DHEA,melatonin secretion decreased year by year. The curves of DHEAand melatonin secretion is slightly different, in general, has a close interaction between the two of them. DHEA is in the role of people awake, help us to control emotion, memory and learning in the psychological state, and in the physical state, DHEA can let usstrengthen the muscle strength, good proportion of maintaining muscle and fat, the body tightly lean, and help us to syntheticmetabolism role, stimulate the secretion of growth hormone, andthe regulation of immune system function. But in the evening, the secretion of DHEA slowed down gradually, so the pineal glandbegins to melatonin secretion, subtle and formed between the two.So we will be at night because of the relationship betweenmelatonin and feel sleepy, needs to rest, so DHEA has a neutralcan produce pure hormones, emotions and energy to our stableduring the day. The relationship between the two: DHEA forcortisol increases along with the age growth, while the other one is sharply decreased adrenal technology DHEA. Convenient saliva test can provide balance approach and method of these twoimportant hormones for us. Nevertheless, DHEA can beempirically for the relief of cortisol or hyperadaptosisoverproduction symptoms. DHEA can improve the glucosetolerance, the excess body fat into muscle, relieve depression,increase body energy, reduce chronic fatigue and fibromyalgiapatients physical pain, relieve joint pain and inflammation andautoimmune disease resulting fatigue, improve the mental status and provide the overall immune function of the body. Althoughnutrition is an important factor of the reasonable excess cortisol,but only one factor. The best method for reducing excess cortisol value complete need not only includes nutritional supplements,also need to take into account the movement decompression anddecompression of thinking. A study by Illinois university professor Edward Mcauley and kinematics of the Biology Department of Zhejiang University Dr. Kong Dehua common findings, aerobic exercise compared with sedentary habits can significantly improve the symptoms of anxiety. A study published in the "Journal of sport and exercise psychology" discovery ", devoted all his life to the regularity of meditation exercises can relieve pressure and reduce the side effect on cortisol value Benson MD author of" therelaxation response. The researchers another in this field havethe outstanding contribution is Massachusett University JonKabat-Zinn, Ph.D. he is "disaster survival" the author of one book,this book provides us how to complete the survival plan and optimal health through meditation. When it comes to the pressure,I always know it is a do not like things, but, in the end, it seems to us pressure is a very easy to solve the problem. DHEA metabolites: metabolites androstene diol (androstenediol-AED)and (androstenetriol, AET) has more viral and bacterial infectionability, decrease the incidence and mortality of cortisolmetabolites: four hydrogen cortisol is the main product ofmetabolism of cortisol, urinary cortisol metabolite excretion in 45%~ 50%. Four hydrogen cortisol can also be further in C20 ketoneradical generation skin five alcohol hydroxyl, urine dischargeaccounted for about 20% of the volume of.

More about:Dehydroepiandrosterone Prices
From:Hormones product

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