Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What is Stanozolol?

Stanozolol is White or about white apparent powder, odorless. About baffling in water, acrid in alcohol, chloroform, hardly acrid in acetone. Confined stored. This artefact anabolic action of the macho role of able and anemic adverse basis of about 120. For the analysis of a array of accompanying vascular diseases, such as Behcet's affection (Behcet syn-drome) in the vascular phenomena, ancestral angioneurotic edema, Raynaud's syndrome, apparent thrombophlebitis, venous ulcers . Can be acclimated for abiding crumbling disease, osteoporosis, and analysis with advance hormone Turner affection accepted (Turn-erssyndrome). Adverse reactions with Nandrolone.

Clinical application:
Female patients advised with androgens or anabolic hormones, can could could cause adult phenomenon, such as hirsutism, a continued beard, complete thicker and low tone, acne, usually in abandonment affection may gradually subside. Macho patients with abiding use of this chic of hormones, drugs may be adapted to estrogen in the body, and may arrest gonadotropin beard acquired testicular decline and inhibition of spermatogenesis; due to abolishment of autogenous testosterone production, can advance to impotence; Children's abiding appliance androgens, can actively affect advance and development, such as dispatch acting on epiphyseal cease can still abide for several months afterwards stopping; appliance anabolic hormones, can advance to obesity. 17 There are α-methyl androgen furnishings on the alarmist accident is added austere arrest with intrahepatic acerbity capillary above excretory function, so that the axial lobular capillary cholestasis in acerbity duct, causing cholestatic alarmist corpuscle damage, analytic manifestations of acerbity cholestatic hepatitis. Abiding use of androgen, may be alarmist cancer, prostate blight and renal corpuscle carcinoma. In addition, because there is sodium assimilation effect, can could could cause edema. Acclimated with attention in patients with branch ache and affection failure, abundant women were banned for prostate cancer

Adverse reactions:
1. Women: Abiding use may accept acne, hirsutism, clitoral hypertrophy, amenorrhea, or menstrual disorders embolism.

2. Male: Abiding use may accept acne, decreased sperm, berry reduced.

3. Liver: GOP, GTP increased, jaundice.

4. Digestive system: nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, diarrhea.

5. Electrolytes: sodium assimilation and edema. 6. Skin: rash, facial flushing.

More about:Stanozolol Prices
From:Hormones product

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