Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Natural carotene role

1, to maintain the integrity of skin and mucous membrane
Carotene [1] into vitamin A, the stimulation of mucosal cells continue to secrete mucus, mucus covering the surface of the cell, to prevent bacterial attack, usually 6-7 days mucosal cells is updated, if the lack of vitamin A, the body will not be able timely repair mucosa.
2, protect eyesight
Carotene to promote the generation of light-sensitive pigment, strengthen eyesight form; contribute to the synthesis of rhodopsin, improve dark adaptation, prevent night blindness.
3, anti-cancer changes
Carotene can reduce cancer patients undergoing radiation and chemotherapy toxicity arising, maintaining microsomal membrane integrity, preventing normal cell cancerous.
4, immunomodulatory
Carotene can enhance immune cell number and viability, contribute to the eradication of exogenous pathogens and the infected cells.
5, anti-aging
Carotene can not only directly scavenge free radicals, but also increase the body of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase levels, thereby delaying aging.

More about:Natural carotene manufacturer
From:Herbal extract


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