Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Top Quality of Ferrous (II) iodide

English alias: Ferrous (II) iodide; Ferrous diiodide; Ironiodideanhydrousmeshgraypowder; Ironiodide; Ferrous iodide solution; Ferrous iodide; Ferrous (2 +) diiodide

Molecular formula:FeI2

Formula mass:309.65

Density: 2.873 g/cm3

Properties: atramentous solid.

Solubility: acrid in algid baptize and ethanol.

Reducing: if acrimonious in the air, blaze by oxygen.

Description:Ferrous iodide is an advantageous iodine antecedent for amoebic catalyst.

Usage: acclimated for authoritative of acrid metal iodide, aswell acclimated in medicine. Acclimated as a agitator in amoebic chemistry.

Solubility in water:Slightly soluble.

Storage:Store in a cool, dry place. Store in a deeply bankrupt container.

Protection:Wear adapted careful gloves and accouterment to anticipate derma exposure. Actinic assurance goggles.

more about: Ferrous iodide

from: Metal Powder

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