Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The description of Corsvenor Momordica fruit extract

Corsvenor momordica fruit acceptance to cucurbitaceae is a affectionate of abiding plant with old basis and herbal stem, produced mainly in Guilin, Guangxi, China, buried and acclimated for added than two hundred years as able-bodied as called "The admirable fruit in the orient".

According to Chinese pharmacology, it is sweet, acerb and cool. It can abate calefaction and air-conditioned blood, arouse aqueous and analysis coughing abet laxation, activate the skin, anoint the lung and annihilate aplomb so that it can be acclimated to prolong life, activate the complexion, amusement calefaction phlegm, coughing ,throat-swelling ache and depression.

According to the avant-garde alleviative researches, it contains affluent glucoside which is three hundred times sweeter than amoroso cane. It can lower claret amoroso and amusement diabetes after adverse reaction.

It contains affluent vitamin C so as to abide adjoin aging, cancers, lower claret lipids, lose weight and activate the skin, advice amusement hyperlipemia

and advance blubber in amoebic foods and medicines with low calefaction Ingredients , non-nutritional after for fermentation.

To learn more: Corsvenor Momordica fruit extract

visit: Pharmaceutical Ingredients

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