Tuesday, May 8, 2012

the introduction of MR series of methane catalyst

Gas methanation technology to produce high calorific value gas or gasoline alternative fuel compressed natural gas, clean use of coal is an important way, but with the liquid energy prices, more and more domestic and international attention. This product is applied by the transformation of decarburization gas methanation, and high catalytic activity, the CO conversion rate and other characteristics of the product gas off H2O after artificial gas. 

 the principle of methane catalyst working 
    CO + 3H2 → of CH4 + H2O 
Of CO2 + 4H2 → CH4 + 2H2O 
Technical indicators of MR series of methane catalyst
Operating temperature: 250 ~ 700  
Operating pressure: 3.0 ~ 6.0MPa 
Operating airspeed: <20000 / h 
CO conversion rate: 99.9% 

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