Leucoanthocyanidins such as leucopelargonidin and leucocyanidin are achromatic intermediates in the biosynthetic advance to body up the agnate black anthocyanins ( anthocyanin biosynthesis (cyanidin 3-O-glucoside)).
They either can be breakable to anatomy anthocyanins or can be bargain to serve as precursors for catechins and proanthocyanins ( proanthocyanidin biosynthesis from flavanols).Leucoanthocyanidins are compounds at a branch-point anchored in that metabolic sequence.
As such leucoanthocyanidins represent an important authoritative point to augment a ambit of flavonoid subclasses of assorted biological backdrop [WinkelShirley01].
more about: Leucocyanidin
from: Herbal Extracts